Our Training

As a research lab, we are committed to educating our users to invest intelligently and responsibly.

  • Investing Game
  • Investing Game is a course based on scientific research that uses innovative teaching strategies. Analysis of major investment platforms shows that 76% of users lose money. The main reason is the lack of training, learn with us to invest consciously and responsibly.

Our Algorithms

15 years of scientific research to bring you our best algorithms:

  • Warren 3.2
  • Warren 3.2 is our flagship product. It is an algorithm optimized for searching numerical correlations within the major US indices. On the Nasdaq100 index, it has a 56% reliability with a return 93% higher than the Buy & Hold strategy.

  • Simons 1.1
  • Simons 1.1 is an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that uses a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) to generate predictive charts. It is an experimental algorithm available in beta version for a limited sample of users.

Buy & Hold: a long-term investment strategy that involves buying securities and holding them for a long period, regardless of market fluctuations.